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Foundation Logo
Foundation Logo


In, 1997, the Caldwell Regional Health Foundation was established in support of the Caldwell Regional Medical Center to ensure and maintain quality healthcare for the Caldwell area including the Kansas counties of Sumner and Harper and Oklahoma counties of Grant and Kay. This service area includes Caldwell, Bluff City, South Haven, Wellington, Medford and Wakita.

Since it was founded, the foundation has raised more than $2,000,000 dollars to fund hospital improvements, purchase medical equipment and technology, and ensure the longevity of our local hospital system.

Rural health systems across the US are closing at an alarming rate leaving residents without critical access care and treatment options. In many cases, life-saving intervention is more than 2 hours away and patients are driving for hours for diagnosis and treatment. Help the CRHF ensure our medical center thrives for years to come.


  • President - Pam Schneider
  • Secretary - Leo Schiltz
  • Treasurer - Lana Halling
  • Member - Cindy Belmear
  • Member - Kimberly Nimitz
  • Development Coordinator - Alissa Thurman
  • Honorary Member - Chris Graham, CRMC, CEO
  • Honorary Member - Rachel Sproul, CRMC, CFO

Ways To Give

Gifts of Grain - Link opens in a new window
Endowments - Link opens in a new window
The Next Century Campaign - Link opens in a new window
Memorials - Link opens in a new window
Named Gift Opportunity - Link opens in a new window