Caldwell EMS is brought to you by Caldwell Regional Medical Center.
We currently provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) and Basic Life Support (BLS) services to the citizens of southwestern Sumner County. Our current response area is 242 square miles and serves approximately 1900 citizens, included are the cities of Caldwell and South Haven.
EMS Director
David Davis
Help EMS Help You
- Display your address on your refrigerator or near a telephone in case someone else needs to call 9-1-1 for you.
- Display your house number prominently on your home and/or curb.
- The questions asked by 9-1-1 call takers, paramedics and EMTs are important and designed to help you. Answer all questions honestly.
- Know your hospital preference and primary care physician
Know Where These Items Are Located:
- Health Insurance Information
- A list or location of current medications
- Emergency Contact information
- Advance Directives - Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), Durable Power of Attorney for health care decisions, and Living Will
When Should I call 911?
If you or another person experiences the following, call 9-1-1 to request an ambulance:
- Chest pain/heart problems – chest pain radiating to neck, jaw, arm or back
- Difficulty breathing – choking, blue appearance, struggling for air, wheezing
- Change in level of consciousness – stumbling, incoherent, mumbling or very dizzy.
- Uncontrolled bleeding – blood spurting, vomiting or coughing up blood, heavy rectal or vaginal bleeding
- Central injuries – injuries to the head, neck, back, abdomen or pelvis or inability to walk
- If the patient is not breathing and/or does not have a pulse- perform CPR! -starting CPR immediately more than doubles the chance of survival!
Non-Emergency Calls
If you are in need of trained and certified medical personnel in case of a medical emergency at a civic event, Caldwell EMS can provide emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and/or paramedics. For more information and to request medical coverage at your next standby event, please call a minimum of 30 days in advance of the next event.
Caldwell EMS has also been proactive in the community to enhance the public's knowledge and understanding of services by actively participating in various community events.
Interested in starting a career in EMS?
Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services - Initial Certification
Scholarships and funding available. Contact our EMS Director for more information.
Useful Links
Learn Hands Only CPR
Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services www.ksbems.org
American Heart Association www.heart.org/HEARTORG/
National Stroke Association www.stroke.org